The state of North Main Street in photos and videos


Providence’s North Main Street has been the site of horrific deaths, injuries, and crashes. This post is dedicated to documenting just a few of the problems individuals face when traversing North Main without a vehicle. None of these show the true extent and violence one faces in these areas.

Be mindful of how you proceed down this dangerous corridor. Those with limited mobility should expect it to be inaccessible at best. Bicyclists should be wary of uncaring, close-passing speeding motorists who may go out of their way to also verbally and physically threaten you. Pedestrians, even on sidewalks, are prone to getting hit; getting shouted at while using a crosswalk is common, and if you jaywalk, expect some vehicles to speed up in an attempt to hit you. Lastly, bus riders should be ready for what the weather brings, in addition to long stretches of absent bus stops.

A driver passes a bicyclist closely, stops in the crosswalk, and yells profanities. These interactions are normal for bicyclists.

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